Make the most of your Android’s power management settings 2024

In this digital world, our smartphones and tablets are like a second skin; they help us stay connected, have fun, and get work done. However, battery drain is a problem that many users face. Our phones and tablets often struggle to maintain power throughout the day because apps are always running in the background. If you want to extend your battery life, you need to keep an eye on background apps. This article discusses great ways to deal with background apps and get longer battery life in 2024.

Using Background Apps

Apps that keep running and working even when you are not using them are called background apps. Some of their tasks include receiving updates, sending alerts, and syncing data. While these things are useful, they can also take a big toll on your battery life. The first thing you can do to better manage your battery is to understand which apps are running in the background and how they are affecting your device.

Find apps that drain your battery

To better manage background apps, it’s important to know which apps are using the most battery. Most modern operating systems, such as Android and iOS, have built-in tools that let you monitor your battery life. You can see full details of how much power each app is using through your device’s battery settings. Keep an eye on apps that you don’t use often but are using a lot of battery. These are the apps that are best suited for optimization or removal.

Make application settings work better

Many apps allow users to change settings to slow down background activity. For example, you can stop background refreshes, reduce the number of updates, or stop push notifications. Typically, you’ll find these settings in the app’s own settings menu. Changing these settings can significantly reduce an app’s impact on your battery without turning it off completely.

Extend battery life with built-in features

Both Android and iOS have built-in features that let you manage apps running in the background and extend battery life. The Battery Optimization setting can be found in the battery menu of your Android device. This feature allows you to optimize or slow down the background activity of certain apps. Similarly, iOS has a feature called “Background App Refresh” that lets you choose which apps can refresh in the background. By using these tools, you can improve the performance of your device and extend the life of your battery.

Clear apps and cache

Closing apps that you are not using can help extend the life of your battery. Although most modern operating systems handle background apps well, some apps can still consume resources for no apparent reason. Closing these apps regularly frees up system resources and prevents your battery from draining. Clearing your app cache can also prevent apps from using too much data and battery power. To do this, go to the Settings menu and go to Storage or Application Manager.

Use power saving mode

Most smartphones and tablets have a power saving mode that you can use right away. When these modes are enabled, system settings are automatically changed to save power. This might mean turning down the brightness of your screen, limiting what runs in the background, or turning off features like location services. Battery saver mode is useful if you know you’ll be away from a charger for a long time. Turning it on can help you get the most out of your device’s battery life without having to change each setting individually.

Limit background data usage

Many apps use background data to update content, sync data, and send notifications. These things can help, but they can also drain your battery. You can prevent apps from using phone data in the background to reduce background data usage. You’ll usually find this option in your device’s Data Usage settings. By limiting background data, you can prevent apps from draining your battery when they’re not needed, while still allowing them to function properly when you’re using them.

Update and uninstall apps

To get the most out of your battery, make sure your apps are always up to date. Developers often release updates to fix bugs, make apps run faster, and improve battery life.

Terry churn due to location tracking.

Use third-party apps to manage battery

In addition to the built-in features, there are many third-party apps that can help you manage apps running in the background and get the most out of your battery life. With these apps, you get advanced features like detailed battery usage reporting, app sleep mode, and task management that automatically run in the background. AccuBattery, Greenify, and GSam Battery Monitor are all popular choices. Some of these apps may require additional permissions to function, but they can provide you with useful information and tools to help you extend your device’s battery life.


By 2024, managing apps running in the background will be a must for extending battery life. You can extend your device’s battery life by finding battery-draining apps, optimizing app settings, using built-in battery optimization features, and using power-saving modes. You can also extend battery life by managing location services, updating and uninstalling apps, limiting background data usage, and using third-party battery management apps. By following these tips, you can make your smartphone or tablet run more efficiently and get more battery life, so it will be a reliable companion all day long.

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